The important sources of stem cell,
1. Bone marrow : is hollow-like, has soft and gelatinous tissue which can be found in the core of the large ulna bone of the body such as the arms, legs, pelvis, etc. These are important sources and have a large amount of stem cells.
2. Placental umbilical cord : has a fairly large amount of stem cells. When the baby is born, the physician will cut the umbilical cord attached to the placenta from the baby. Then collecting the blood from the umbilical cord which it will not have any effect whatsoever on the baby.
The benefits of stem cells
At present, the Medical Council has approved the use of stem cells to cure patients with hematologic diseases such as leukemia, anemia from thalassemia, etc. In which patients with such diseases have an abnormal generation of stem cells.
In general, the patients will be treated by blood transfusions. However, if receiving the blood often or for a long time, the patient body system will produce antibodies against the received blood. As a result, it is more difficult to supply blood for the patient. Therefore, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is another option for treating patients.