Those interested in registering to be a stem cell donor volunteer should register voluntarily with the following qualifications,
• Qualifications
1. Register on the same day with blood donation
2. Age 18-50 years old
3. Weight 45 kg or more
4. Healthy
5. No underlying disease, serious contagious diseases, or risk behavior
• Registration
Those interested are able to register at NBC Thai Red Cross Society, and 4 RBC to fill out the details for registering a stem cell donor volunteer. Then donate blood as usual process. The nurse staff will collect an additional 3 cc of blood samples for testing of HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen) tissue typing and record data in the stem cell donor database. Then just waiting for a patient whose HLA tissue matches with you. If your HLA results match with the patient, there will be Thai Red Cross Society staff contact to you. Details of the recruitment locations are as follows: